Friday 21 February 2014

Improve UI performance by these smart JavaScript techniques

JavaScript is an aesthetic language used for web development. There are many special effects in this language that make user experience an improved and memorable one. So one thing should always be kept in central focus by the web developers- improvement of user experience. JavaScript offers many useful and clever ways in which a site may be improved from the perspective of user interface. Here are a few smart Javascript techniques which can help you improve UI performance.

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1) insert AdjacentHTML instead of innerHTML- The extremely popular innerHTML has been transformed into a brand new avatar in the form of the optimized and fine grained version called insert AdjacentHTML. Since the position is specified, the element used upon is not re-parsed by this API; in fact extra serialization step is avoided which makes it much faster than the other manipulation. In approaches where the markup has to be appended continuously to a module or page this is very effective. Compared to innerHTML, insert AdjacentHTML is 100% faster.

2) requestAnimationFrame instead of setInterval- As compared to the conventional intervals and times, a more efficient as well as optimized approach is the use of requestAnimationFrame API while building animation based on JavaScript. The timer calculations are offloaded by this API to determine the timing of the upcoming UI/DOM style changes in the browser. It takes away from the responsibility of the developer to decide when the screen needs a repainting. Replacement with requestAnimationFrame will lead to smoother animations as well as saving of battery life in mobile devices if the content is viewed over there.

3) if-else instead of try-catch- Unforeseen runtime related errors and exceptions can be handled efficiently through the mechanism of try-catch. But a performance penalty is imposed by the blocks in JavaScript which is especially the case when used in recursive functions or iterations. On replacing try-catch with if-else conditions, each and every error handling will be taken care of; the resultant code will be much better as well as more efficient.

4. Improving startup performance- Try distinguishing between 'right after startup' and 'startup' and try to move to using 'right after startup' as much as possible. Design the UI in manner that as soon as the data changes it automatically updates. This result in saving of a lot of time and you will not have to wait for a long time so that everything may be ready. Some things are there which cannot be done right after startup; in short you will be able to perceive the startup time. To reduce the loading time you can combine CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. This will be especially perfect if many UI controls are in use. The loading time of almost 50 files can be reduced to near about 25% with the correct code combination. You can also try code minification; the benefits will be code-dependent- like 10-25%. To guarantee great startup one must-have is Lazy loading. To load a code of 10 MB, almost 10 seconds will be needed. But to showcase an initial view 100K is needed, if not more which means a loading time of 1 second. With lazy loading the 9 seconds may be deferred and scattered.

5) JQuery Autotab- It is often remarked that this feature is a must-have for all forms on internet. This may be a small thing but it provides a much better experience to the user when he or she is filling out forms and items, especially if there is the need to fill up things such as social security numbers, etc. If the form has jQuery then autotabs are added by the jQuery Autotab function.

There are so many options in JavaScript that can improve user experiences drastically like sliding top panel, social history, context highlighting web forms, magic zoom, password strength meter, etc. But while using them, in order to make them actually very effective, thoughtful implementation and restraint must be practiced. A perfect balance has to be struck. Use techniques that will actually be applicable as well as relevant; not just for the sake of using it. This would help you leverage the benefits of Javascript application development.

We provide Javascript ajax development services. If you would like to talk to one of our expert Javascript programmers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Friday 14 February 2014

7 Reasons Why Model Driven Development is Great

The roundtrip engineering concept is used by many organizations to easily change the model, along with the code generated from the specific model. As an effective alternative to roundtrip engineering, model driven development is being used nowadays by a large number of software development companies. As the software development model is much more abstract than the code generated from it, the developers can easily track the changes made to the coding by using customized automation tools. So an organization can adopt model driven software development (MDSD) to avail several benefits.

Seven Key Benefits of Model Driven Software Development

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1) Enhanced Flexibility: The additional flexibility provided by MDSD helps businesses in beating competition by efficiently adopting and responding to changes. For instance, often organizations find it a daunting challenge to migrate from conventional technologies to a new technology smoothly. Often code written using conventional technologies cannot be reused in the new environment. The MDSD approach enables enterprises to reuse the existing code and concepts, while enjoying extreme flexibility in the longer run.

2) Great Extensibility: Each business also has option to choose from a variety of models according to its specific needs. So it can easily pick a model that offers adequate extensibility, while interacting with hand-written code. As the handwritten code often needs to be incorporated into the model, the MDSD facilitates the integration. There are no perfect models to complement all needs of a project. But an organization can easily choose a highly extensible model optimize its productive advantage.

3) Optimizes Model Reusability: The MDSD approach enables developers to focus on the model instead of technologies, while building business applications. For instance, an organization can deploy developers, who are not familiar in Objective-C, to build iPhone or iPad business application according to the most recent Apple development guidelines. The same model, thus, can be reused to build mobile apps for other popular mobile platforms like Android and Windows 8. The emphasis on what, instead of how will get higher productive advantages within a short span of time.

4) Reduced Dependency on Highly Technical Resources: The frequent changes in customer demand have made it essential for enterprises to hire highly skilled software developers. Most companies, nowadays, look for professionals who have experience and expertise in several technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, AJAX, SOAP, database connection pooling, application security and transaction management. But these people often do not understand the business processes and operations exactly. The MDSD approach requires enterprises to hire professionals who understand business, instead of investing in highly technical resources.

5) Create Innovative and Powerful Tools: Nowadays, most organizations use customized software application to effectuate the operations and enhance productivity. But often enterprises ignore the significance of creating customized business software applications by using software. The MDSD approach emphasizes on creating software using software to get enhanced efficiency, efficacy and productivity. Thus, the organizations adopting this innovative concept will create more efficient tools by using the existing technologies.

6) Deliver Effective Business Solutions Rapidly: Each enterprise has to deliver business solution as early as possible to beat competition. The MDSD approach helps organization is creating business solutions in a quicker and efficient way. At the same time, they are not required to explain the concept to the customers and end-users. But the approach enables them to retain the customer over a longer period of time by providing extremely flexible business solutions. As the business knowledge is already used to develop models, it become easier to deliver solutions that complement the exact needs of the client.

7) Easy to Embrace New Technologies: Each software development firm has to build solutions using the best technology ay a specific time. But the constant focus on the technological changes may affect the focus on business model. The MDSD approach requires enterprises to focus on the model of their business, instead of the frequently changing trends in technology. Further, the implicit documentation provided by the MDSD prevents the set of documents from becoming outdated after some time.

Many consultants even recommend organizations to identify and address some of the common issues related to model driven development. But the approach will help enterprises in reducing dependence on skilled manpower and highly technical resources. At the same time, model driven software development approach will help organizations in delivering rapid business solutions, without investing any additional funds. Custom software development companies can help you leverage the power of Bigdata for your enterprise.

We provide software development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified software developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Design, Develop, Diversify - Do it All in a Custom WordPress Website

Despite being a widely used blogging platform, WordPress is still hugely popular among organizations developing custom websites. The open source platform is also effective in making your custom website represent business exactly by using your existing brand. You have option to create custom theme and layout for the website by using your logo and font style. The features further enable developers to build a variety of rich website that delivers rich user experience. At the same time, the simple and search engine friendly features of WordPress helps you in developing an online business and popularizing your brand.

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You can use the platform to promote your products or services by choosing any compatible customer relationship management (CRM) software application. The easy to use interface will further make it easier for you to keep the customers engaged by integrating social media components, including interactive online chat options, and distributing live streaming videos. On the whole, you can effortlessly design, develop and diversify your business website by running it on WordPress.

What Makes WordPress the Most Popular Platform to Develop and Manage Custom Websites?

Loads of Plug-Ins and Themes: The plug-ins and themes are considered to be the backbone of WordPress. The website developers can use these plug-ins to customize the website’s functionality and performance. Also, the plug-ins help organizations in optimizing their websites for various search engines. The designers, at the same time, have option to use WordPress themes to decide the website’s look, feel and navigation. Along with choosing from and downloading several predesigned theses, they also have option to customize the themes according to a business’s branding requirements.

Easy Implementation and Administration: As an extensive website development framework, WordPress allows you to setup the website quickly. So you can always save the time and cost of building and setting up a website. The feature further allows enterprises to setup multiple websites. At the same time, you can manage the website fully through the administrator control panel. As the control panel remains within your website, it becomes easier to manage the websites flexibly from any computer.

Complete Customization: Each enterprise continuously explores options to beat competition by customizing the look, feel and performance of its website. Unlike conventional website development frameworks, WordPress allow organization to build a custom website without any hassle. Thus, an organization can customize its website fully to make it look professional as well as unique. The customization further helps organizations to promote their business as a popular online brand.

Efficient Content Management: The frequent search algorithm changes by major online search engines have compelled enterprises to deliver richer user experience. So organizations must frequently update website content to improve the website’s search engine ranking. WordPress allows users to update and maintain the website content at their own pace. In addition to adding and editing content, you can easily create new pages, and add links, images and galleries. The hassle-free update of website content will help you in keeping the website visitors engaged.

Develop Mobile Websites: With more and more people accessing internet on their mobile device, it has become essential for enterprises to make their website mobile-friendly. WordPress provides several options to optimize a website for mobile devices. The user can use specialized plug-ins to optimize the website for mobile devices. Also, the developer can consider building customized themes by targeting the mobile devices. The customized themes can be further optimized by including portfolios, block caps, testimonials, slideshows and similar integrated components.

Along with custom websites, you can further use WordPress to create blogs, ecommerce portals and sales landing pages. The seamless integration of easy-to-integrate plug-ins and web conversion modules will complement your specific requirements, without requiring you to invest any extra time, money and efforts. You can hire developers from top WordPress development company to assist with your development needs.

We provide WordPress customization services. If you would like to hire WordPress developers India from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.