Monday 27 July 2015

10 Myths about Nearshore Software Development

Offshore and Nearshore are two contradicting concepts being highly used in 21st century and become one of the most gossiped terms in the cyber world. There are lots of theories, blogs and articles describing their advantages and disadvantages. You can find them from World Wide Web effortlessly. Today, we will discuss 10 myths about Nearshore software development process”.

offshore small team software development, risk-free trial offer, custom software development indiaNearshore software development is better for small projects: Often offshore software development processes are treated as a cost cutting procedure. Due to currency difference, it is possible to hire low wage software developers from developing countries like India, Indonesia etc and this result in a good buck of savings. But we find many software firms hesitate to outsource small projects; because they believe that, the processing cost will be more to establish a successful business with a foreign party with a small project. Hence they like to do the business with a Nearshore software firm to avoid this issue; but this is nothing but, a wrong notion. You can also hire an offshore software firm from India and save a good amount of investment both in terms of development cost as well as processing cost.

Nearshore software firms can provide better service than offshore software firms: Many believe that, Nearshore software firms can understand your requirement in a more precise manner and hence they can provide you better and to-the-point solution for your requirement. But, when you choose an offshore software firm having a good track record and experience, you can get even better service that too at lower cost and their expert team can help you in every possible manner starting from development process to even marketing!!

Nearshore software firms are more reliable: Reliability matters a lot in software industry and often we find many conflicting statements for the same with respect to Nearshore and offshore software firms. Some say, Nearshore software firms are more reliable than offshore; but, we would like to say that, there is nothing to do with geographic location with the reliability. In fact, the firm having reliable developers and management is more reliable than others; as simple as it is.

Your intellectual property is highly secure with Nearshore software firms: Software is a form of Intellectual property and we must protect it from others through safeguards. Since it is an intangible asset, it can remain confidential through some intangible shields like loyalty, work-ethics and principles; and it can’t be developed by any physical building material. Hence its value and importance is determined by the work ethics of the software firm and it does not depend on any geographic location. So it is unwise to say that your intellectual property is safe with your local software firms and not with a reliable offshore software firm.

You can get better communication from Nearshore software firms: At the age of globalization, communication skill has extremely important impacts on the success of any business. Now, a successful businessman not only needs to learn how to communicate with his local customers but also he should learn how to develop successful cross-cultural relations through vocal languages, speaking manner and body languages etc. Fortunately, Indian offshore software firms are extremely serious for this and hence they are highly successful in their business with European, North American and other developed countries.

Productivity is more with Nearshore software development process: Geographic location has no direct or indirect effect on the productivity of any software firm. We must accept that the productivity of a software company depends on the quality of professionals and the work ethics of that organization. If you want better productivity, you can choose a reliable offshore software firm from India that will not only give you better quality of end product but also a good savings on your next invoice.

Your issues can be handled quickly due to same time zone: This is often misinterpreted by some people in the IT industry that, if your partner has its development centre in your locality, you will get better service due to same time zone; but, at the period of globalization, every offshore software firm strives to get the faith and popularity in the industry with quality service. Some of them are having multiple shifts of developers working round the clock to provide quality service as if an onsite service provider.

You can get better legal protection from Nearshore software firms: We can’t ignore the importance of difference in laws and regulations with geographic location. But if we are preparing a strong and detailed agreement with our business partner and that too with the consultation of lawyers of both locations, then can’t it be avoided? There are millions of examples of successful business operations in IT industry that runs between two different locations and without any threat of IP loss. In fact, those reliable offshore firms are highly serious in understanding the importance of the Non-disclosure agreement for an honest business operation over time. They will provide you enough protection for your intellectual property not only during the development period but also after the production phase.

Though you are supposed to spend little more; but you will gain a lot in terms of quality of end product: As we discussed, quality of service does not depend on the geographic location rather it depends on the quality and skills of the developer and most importantly the work ethics of the software firm. So, you can get better quality of end product from an Indian software company having expertise in the domain or technology on which your project will be developed that too at lower cost of development.

Nearshore software firms provide better post production support: For post production support, there is a trademark of Indian IT companies in the world. They are extremely reliable and faithful in the industry when it comes about the post production support. They will treat all your dynamic requirements and bugs as superior as when it was during the development process. So you can trust over them for quality support service.

Last but not the least, we must admit that, No software company can produce quality end product without quality assets i.e. the developers of the organization. Companies don’t produce quality output; it’s the developers who make it possible. So it is always advisable to hire a firm which has better track record, having senior and certified developers with good experience in their technology and domain.

At Mindfire Solutions, we are experts in
offshore small team software development and we have been serving our 300+ esteemed clients more than 15 years now and have executed over 1000 projects in various technologies and domains. If you have any custom application ideas in mind and need our expertise, please feel free to write to us at sales at mindfiresolutions dot com and we will revert back within a business day. You can also avail our limited period risk-free trial offer now.

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Python UI automation Do's and Don’ts

Why UI automation for Python: UI stands for user interface which is the most important component of any software application or product. User interface is the face of any software and hence it should be attractive enough to keep the users entertained and informed by the application. Hence as a smart software developer, we must focus more on the user interface so that we can provide better user experience. In today’s arena, the importance of user interface has increased to a much higher level due to competitive environment in the industry. As a result, there are large numbers of automation UI tools are developed in the industry to help the testers in achieving better quality output. Well Python is a super powerful and superfast technology having a tremendous market demand in the industry. Testers are looking for better Python UI automation tools to produce high quality and efficient Python applications. While we are dealing with UI automation tools, we must follow some thumb rules so as to make the process not only effortless but also efficient enough. Today we will discuss those key points in two categories i.e., what we should do and what we should not for efficient UI testing.

Python development companies, Django developers, python application developmentDo’s of UI automation: Basically UI automation is a client side process i.e., our focus is to improve the client side user experience. For the same the most important thing is to collect every possible client side data through the UI tool. If we have enough information on client side, then we can manipulate those data for providing better user experience. Similarly we must acquire the information of the browsing device to provide optimum user experience. This can be achieved with information like width and height of the device, and orientation of the device etc so that we can test the application thoroughly for different scenario. Without optimisation we can’t provide better user experience. Hence we must test if every possible optimisation rules are strictly followed or not in the application. If not, we should report the same to the Python developer for improvement. Along with that, sometimes we must keep some snapshots of bugs in the application so that the developer can debug it easily. Again we should keep track of every test case that we have implemented on the application for future purpose.

Don’ts for UI Automation: As a smart automation tester, you should avoid unnecessary script running to decrease the time and effort. Similarly we should also avoid frequent running of small test scripts for the application rather we should write a compressive test case for the purpose. A smart Python UI automation tester should avoid multiple log operation in the application to avoid unnecessary time loss. Long time-outs are usually given by the tester in order to check the application thoroughly; but sometimes it becomes an inefficient process. Hence we must avoid long time-outs in our application for efficient UI testing. Many UI testers have a tendency to quit the testing tool after each and every test-case gets executed and then launching it again. This is really a bad habit and it not only takes unnecessary time but also hampers the productivity of the software firm.

Mindfire Solutions is one of the premier
Python development companies in India and has been providing quality software development services to its esteemed clients for over 8 years now. Our senior Python and Django developers have delivered more than 50 custom Python and Django projects for our clients. Our Web Development Team is 15 years old now and equally adept in various web technologies like Java, ASP.Net, ColdFusion, Ruby on Rails, PHP and Front End technologies like HTML5 and JavaScript to name a few. If you have a rich web application and you need to upgrade/maintain the same or a new web application idea in mind, please feel free to write to us at Sales at MindfireSolutions Dot Com and we will revert back within one business day.