Monday, 3 March 2014

Top 3 PHP frameworks to develop applications

PHP frameworks are highly effective tools so far as clean and structured web development is concerned. These help in speeding up the creation as well as maintenance of your PHP web applications. PHP is technically an open source server scripting language and it is widely used for the development of online properties. In the web world, it is the most popular web development tool. Lately, it has introduced a revolution in terms of creating websites with instant page designing. It makes understanding of presentation code, interactive functions and database connection simpler and quicker and hence beginners consider it as a boon.

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Moreover, PHP frameworks help to write reusable code. Most of the PHP frameworks follow the MVC or model-view-controller pattern. The MVC pattern ensures separation of presentation and logic.

Here is a discussion about the top 3 PHP frameworks that are based on the MVC design pattern:

1. Yii

Yii is a high-performance component-based PHP framework for building large-scale web applications. It is written in strict OOP and comes with comprehensive tutorials or complete class reference. From DAO/ActiveRecord, MVC, widgets, caching, Web services, hierarchical RBAC to I18N, L10N and theming, Yii provides almost every feature required for advanced Web 2.0 application development of recent times. Yii is one of the best PHP platforms around.

It is an incredibly nimble platform that appeals to the PHP developer willing to develop social applications. It takes care of sql injection, input validation along with other mundane security tasks that are so important for a healthy app. Yii is also a friendly on cross platform development, so if you are moving some code over something that has relied on the Zend or PEAR framework, you will be just fine with it.

2. Symfony

It is one of the most efficient web application frameworks. Symfony intends to accelerate the development as well as maintenance of web applications while replacing the repetitive coding tasks by control, power and pleasure. The very small number of prerequisites makes it easy to install on any configuration and you just need to get Windows or Unix with a web server as well as PHP 5 installed. It is compatible with nearly every database system. Additionally, it comes without incurring much overhead. As a matter of fact, the benefits of the framework do not come at the cost of an increase of hosting prices.

Using this platform is quite natural and easy for emerging web developers, as the learning curve is reduced to less than a day. The code readability as well as clean design will keep your delays short. Developers can use agile development principles like KISS, DRY or the XP philosophy to focus on applicable logic without losing time for writing endless XML configuration files.

In an enterprise context, Symfony is intended to develop robust applications. And, it means that you have complete control over the configuration; from the foreign libraries to the directory structure, almost everything can be customized. For the purpose of matching the development guidelines of your enterprise, symfony is bundled with additional tools. It helps you efficiently test, document or debug your project.

3. Zend

For businesses, the Zend Framework is the best platform as its enterprise support is preferred by companies as well as individuals all around the world. Apart from being a PFP model, Zend also provides several tools for easing the development process, like its own flavor of PHP that is very similar to the open source version, except with more support. Furthermore, it contains a custom server so that you can start having a quick look at your applications, and without too much configuration across various platforms.

There is one more big thing to be excited about this platform. Zend studio offers a perfectly integrated development platform which lets you experience full potentials of the services mentioned above. Zend can be a bit costly, especially if you are an independent developer working on a restricted budget. You can certainly give it a try, in case you aim at investing in one of the best PHP frameworks available in today's market.

In the contemporary business scenario, these top PHP frameworks offer compact features that help PHP scripting gain recognition as well as appreciation among web developers. Several PHP frameworks meet number of requirements for various web-based application development. PHP tools are increasingly being developed to enhance programs making web development simpler, faster and easier. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but hopefully this discussion will help you choose and enjoy the best framework that will make your professional life more organized and more efficient. To get maximum benefits of PHP frameworks, you may consider hiring services of a PHP web development company India.

We provide PHP web development services. If you would like to hire PHP programmer from us, we would be glad to assist you at Mindfire Solutions.

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